Taxidermy Price List
**All animals submitted must be accompanied by a Wildlife Resources Card # or Band #. The Full Name and Address of the person who harvested the animal. Who will be picking it up. A Valid Phone Number as well as Email/ Secondary Contact. Hnatiuks will not accept any animal without proper legal documentation. Salvaged animals must be accompanied by a copy of a valid salvage permit

These are the prices for our most common mounts. For all other mounts & taxidermy work please contact our Retail Outlet for pricing or email
Commercial Head Mounts include:
Competition forms, Top quality eyes, Hides tanned at a professional tannery, 20 year guarantee, free 5 year clean, check and touch-up (if required).
For Repairs & Specialized Custom Taxidermy Work, etc… $100.00/hour
Plaques & Driftwood Driftwood for Bird and Fish Mounts $10.00
Head/Shoulder Mounts
*12 months processing time
Buck/Doe Full Shoulder Mount $850.00 Bull Moose Shoulder Mount $2300.00
Caribou Shoulder Mount $1500.00
Black Bear Shoulder Mount (No Paws/Open Mouth) $950.00
Black Bear Half Mount (With Paws/Closed Mouth) $1600.00
Antler Mounts
*Prices Include Log Plaque
*Up to 12 months processing time
Log Plaques available while supplies last (not for moose or skulls)Deer Antlers $185.00
Moose Antlers (Price Based on Size) $265.00-$425.00
European Skull Mounts:
Not Presently Available
FULL PAYMENT REQUIRED on ALL Ducks, Geese & Eagles
*Does not include base
*12 months processing time.
Ducks (Based on size) $300.00 - $370.00
Pheasant/Grouse/Partridge/Owls etc $300.00
For Geese, Turkeys and Eagles, please contact for pricing.
Not Presently Available
*Includes Head Insert, Single Border & Backing
*Full Head Mount & Single Felt Border 12 - 18 months processing time.
Black Bear Open mouth (tip of Nose to Tip of Tail) $34.00 per inch
Black Bear Closed mouth $30.00 per inch